Angels in the OR: What Dying Taught Me About Healing, Survival, and Transformation



ANGELS IN THE OR: WHAT DYING TAUGHT ME ABOUT HEALING, SURVIVAL, AND TRANSFORMATION is available for pre-order. I am excited to meet people across the country and the world who are interested in stories from the other side and how the light of divinity works in our lives for healing and transformation.

If there is anything I have learned on this journey it is that the connections with others is the real beauty of writing a book.  Love is all that matters in the end.  Though we may not be perfect at executing from a place of love at all times, love is all that we take with us and all that remains.  We learn, we grow, and we give more love to ourselves and this world.

Please follow my YouTube channel to keep up with my interviews and videos about timely themes in my up-coming book.

IANDS Conference 2018: YouTube Live Interviews With Chris Batts, Robert Kopecky, and Ingrid Honkala

Update on 1/19/19:  My memoir, Angels in the OR: What Dying Taught Me About Healing, Survival, and Transformation, can be pre-ordered now. It is a #1 new release in several categories.  I would love it if you helped me make near-death experiences more mainstream.

IANDS Conference 2018

This IANDS Conference in Bellevue, Washington was a beautiful experience.  I was so happy to meet Ingrid Honkala for the first time and hear about the beautiful light beings who so obviously guide her through life.  I was blessed by the wisdom that Robert Kopecky shared with me in this video interview and look forward to reading his book How to Get to Heaven.  And, it was great fun to talk with Chris Batts, a newcomer to IANDS conferences whose mission is to remind everyone that they are loved by God.  Peter Panagore and I talked with him about his angel guides and lessons from his near-death experience.


John Utter, Tricia Barker, Robin Landsong, Louisa Peck, Norma Edwards, Peter Panagore, and Alma Blazq