If Love Is All That Matters….



If love is all that matters, then some lives need to be re-tuned and readjusted in heaven. I’m not saying that as a judgment, more a commentary on modern life and relationships.

Truths are often simple.  Love is of God.  All of our actions that flow from a place of love, flow from God.

Imagine heaven as a reprocessing center.  The life review is a way for each soul to clearly see what was of God and what was not of God. In heaven, a particular relationship might be sent through the reprocessing center and only a few moments might remain—a conversation about God, a moment in church, and holding hands while walking through a beautiful open field.

All the awful screaming of obscenities gets reprocessed into a calm conversation about life, details, and compromises in the physical realm, as if those moments never existed. Those moments disappear into the darkness. Abusive moments are not of God.  Abuse (psychological, spiritual, and physical torture) could never be of the light.

Maybe anyone who has suffered abuse would prefer to see karmic retribution—one’s guardian angels holding the abuser’s head under water until the ego of that person relents and knows God. But, God does not work that way. God heals through unconditional love, of course, even in the most extreme cases of cruelty.

What if you could turn your eyes to God, and simply shut the door to all negative energy that isn’t of God.  Leave it behind.  Banish it in another realm. Imagine a huge door made of iron and shove all the negativity far away behind that door.

Human beings can often create a hell of heaven, and if that is the realm that some people want to play in—leave them to it (behind an iron door).  Keep that door shut, and live in a realm of lighter things—butterflies, green grass, and happy thoughts.  What if you could love yourself the way you wished you had been loved as a child, the way you wished others had loved you?  What if you and God could do that together?

Abraham Hicks says that there is no happy ending to an unhappy journey which means you must find a way to focus on happiness and satisfaction, not on what you are missing in your life.  Additionally, it might mean that you can’t force others to change.  However, you can change your outlook and choices.  You can change your story completely.  You can turn away from all that harms you and walk into the light of God.  You can create a new story in the light. At first this might only start as a meditation, but the light will filter into the reality of your life.

Angels in the OR is as much about transforming the suffering of this planet as it is about a near-death experience. My near-death experience was a profoundly beautiful moment, but so much of what I have survived and witnessed in my physical world is in need of transformation by that light of God.  One of the main questions I receive from readers is how to transform this world with the knowledge of heaven. I think change begins with letting God’s love heal all the painful memories we hold inside of ourselves and shift these thoughts to thoughts of truth, beauty and goodness.