The Limitless Love of Near-Death Experiences

I’m excited to co-host a beautiful day (Dec. 2nd 9am to 4:30pm MST) of talking with near-death experiencers about the limitless love they encountered on the other side.

Seven different experiencers will cover a range of topics including glimpses of the future, deep forgiveness, miraculous physical healings, spontaneous mediumship, and revelations from guides and angels. 

The speakers will also share their endeavors to promote healing within their communities, and throughout the world.

Shaun Lether and I are looking forward to hosting this event and asking your questions to the speakers.

Hope you will meet us there!  Click here to join this FREE event through the Conscious Awakening Network. It will be streamed on multiple platforms including Fire TV, Apple TV, Roku, Pandora, Samsung Music, etc.

DATE: December 2nd
9am – 4:30 pm MST

HOSTS Shaun Lether (Love Beyond the Veil) and Tricia Barker (Angels in the OR)



Branden Densmore – Quantum Forgiveness

Felice DiMartino – Transmissions from Love

11:00- 11:50AM
David Williamson – Grounding and Integration

Jose Hernandez – Inner Immersion

Susan Dyer – Merging with the Unnamable

Steve Noack – Quantum Healing with the Trinity

Jason Janas – Return to Innocence

Wrap up and Meditation

What Stops Love from Spreading Worldwide as Quickly as Hate?

I have interviewed many near-death experiencers, and I have had my own profound NDE. Most of us conclude that earth is a school for the soul, and we come here to remember that the energy of unconditional love heals all wounds. We know that our true “home” is a place of deep love and forgiveness. Most NDErs want to be of service to humanity and remind others to at least be kind and do no harm. Why then, do messages and acts of polarization, hate, outrage, war, and torture spread so quickly? Why do messages of unconditional love and healing run in the background like a soothing waterfall or white noise? Can the algorithms be changed? Can the focus be changed?

You can start with your breath. You can start with directing your focus. You can breathe out all that triggers you, all that you do not wish to see in the world. You can imagine a better world and do what you can energetically and realistically to move in the direction of your positive dreams for yourself and everyone else. Start by giving yourself empathy and unconditional love. Override programs that tell you this isn’t possible.

You can transcend squares, triangles and other limitations that society tries to push our unlimited potential into. For example, most of my life I have spent time healing from the victim role and being a rescuer of others. I don’t understand bullies, and I don’t understand why online harassment and violent threats are protected under “free speech” in my country. All this does is cause people to shut down and stop communicating messages of love and messages of inner freedom.

Instead of shutting down, it is better to transcend this dynamic, to be a form of consciousness beyond this triangle (bully-victim-rescuer) of torture. Unconditional love frees and loves us all, healing us of unconscious bias and patterns. How do you transcend these dynamics? First, you imagine what that looks like for you. For me, it is a combination of moving forward in the light and refusing to be shut down. For me, it is doing what I love and loving what I do.

And, on that note, on December 2nd, Shaun Lether and I will be talking with seven different near-death experiencers. This talk will be broadcast across many networks including Roku TV, Apple TV, Fire TV, and Android devices. More information will be coming soon!

If you remember, I was one of the first people to interview Jose Hernandez, and I was stunned by his story. I felt much healing from his NDE story. Jose’s NDE story has recently been featured on the Netflix docu-series, Surviving Death. His team at Inner Immersion focuses on helping mental health professionals and addiction specialists make significant breakthroughs that create lasting change with underserved and vulnerable populations, addiction recovery, and high trauma professions. We will talk about his work in the world and how his NDE led him to this focus.

I’ve been looking forward to talking with David Williamson for many months now. Prior to his NDE, David’s health was compromised by anger. He had been deeply affected by identity confusion, generational trauma, racial trauma, and rigid orientations toward ideology and personality. On the other side, he learned ways of healing his body and living life with a different, healing energy. He continues to ground and integrate practical approaches to living and manifesting the best possible realties.

I’m also very excited to interview other NDErs including Felice Dimartino who is an Intuitive Channel, Futuring Facilitator, Educational Consultant, Multidimensional Guide and Emissary of Light.

And Jason Janas who reminds people that no matter what you are going through fear is an illusion, a part of this dream. We are energy, we are powerful, and we are never alone. Our guides are with us always.

Photo by Rifqi Ramadhan on