Lessons from My NDE

Hello Beautiful Light-Filled Souls!

I appreciate your support and interest in near-death experiences. This is my latest YouTube video. As an experiencer, I know how fragile life can be, and I also know the freedom, bliss, and understanding from my transition into the light. Dying for a few minutes turned out to be the greatest gift of my life. Many years after my experience, I continue to look out at the world and hope to see more people creating lives which are full of light and joy.

We can always reach for greater healing, hope, and connection. We can always make a difference in someone else’s life, and we can always help people by visualizing the best and highest outcomes for their lives.

I would love to have you join my spiritual community which meets on two Wednesdays each month at 7 p.m. Central. Here is a link to join.

We have fun in this group. I give theta healings, downloads, short readings, and more. Often, we simply discuss how to live more joyously and center light for healing and transformation.

May you feel more gratitude in your daily lives!

Many blessings

Tricia Barker