Truths I Learned from Dying

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Coronavirus has changed the way many of us live our lives.  In quarantine time, many people may be spending more time confronting their thinking. This is a GREAT time to think happier thoughts for yourself, to connect to the timelessness inside of you, and to grant yourself greater love and more peace. Much inner work and healing can be done now.

There is plenty of time for reading, meditation, and prayer. There are no more excuses (unless perhaps you work for an essential business).

Try not to overthink or worry about worst case scenarios. But, if you do take this time to confront your mortality, know that the the process of dying is sacred. While you live, remember to live with love and kindness.

These are the Truths I Learned from Dying

1. Love is all that matters and all that we take with us.
2. Nature can heal us.
3. We are all connected energetically.
4. Joy brings us back to our true self.
5. At the soul level, we care about goodness, honor, nobility, love, and altruistic acts of kindness.
6. At the soul level, we are more godlike than we care to acknowledge. Our light is eternal.
7. Our ancestors, guides, and angels are there for us whether we feel their presence or not.
8. What makes sense in heaven isn’t always translatable on earth, but know that beauty, love, truth, and goodness last forever in heaven.
9. God/Universal Consciousness loves us all deeply.
10. You are personally loved more deeply than you can fathom.

May you be blessed!  The audio book of Angels in the OR is on sale right now if you are interested.  Pretty good price!

My Message To You

Hello Everyone,

I have had requests to respond to the current situation on a spiritual level.  I can’t make a video at the moment because there is a lot of work to be done for the community college where I work.  We are switching completely to a virtual online environment.

However, I want to remind everyone that if you need spiritual inspiration and comfort there are countless podcasters who have offer amazing shows and wonderful interviews with uplifting people.  You can check out my media list and browse through their shows.  I’m sure you are familiar with my story by at this point:-)

Thanks so much for your support of my YouTube channel.  Obviously, I will continue interviewing near-death experiencers and spiritual teachers as soon as my new work load normalizes.  In the meantime, meditate, exercise, breathe deeply, and know that there is more love available to you that you realize.

Let this love flow through you as you reach out to others and encourage them.  And, if you are bored, check out the many zoo tours and museum tours that are free online right now.  Now, is a also a great time to start your own YouTube channel or learn some dances on Tik Tok 🙂  Joy and being childlike in this joy is contagious as well!

On a more serious note, I want to share what was shared with me as a faculty member. I am extremely proud of our nursing faculty for passing along the most accurate and straight-forward information about why we are social distancing because of the Coronavirus.  Special thanks to Cindy Mask, our Faculty Association President. I am sharing with you what was shared with me.  I hope this clears up any misconceptions about why we are social distancing.

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Photo by Pixabay on

From the Tarrant Count Community College Faculty Association: “We present the information below factually and bluntly. The hyperlinks are to reliable sources of firsthand information or reputable news sources citing those primary sources.

This is a once-in-a-century global health crisis (e.g. 1918 “Spanish flu”) and certainly the greatest public health challenge the world has faced since that pandemic. As you also probably already know, many people can be contagious, not have symptoms or have mild symptoms and pass the virus on to others.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO) and the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) some people, even young healthy people, can then develop life-threatening disease if exposed. The data suggests most people will contract the COVID-19 virus!

Happily the majority will experience only mild symptoms. However, a substantial subset of up to ~20% will experience a more severe form akin to a very bad cold or to typical flu-like symptoms; another smaller subset of ~10% will develop a severe form requiring medical care with the worst cases requiring hospitalization. Most importantly, there is a ~2% chance of death overall in the population with that figure skewing heavily towards the older part of the population and those with underlying medical conditions.

This is not “like the flu” because there is no evidence that anyone anywhere is immune to the infection. It is a newly emergent zoonotic virus and humans are naïve immunologically. Neither immunization nor an equivalent to Tamiflu as a treatment has been found. The flu has about a 0.1% mortality rate for the fraction of the population that does contract it each year; ~34 thousand Americans died last year. 2% of
330 million Americans is about 6.6 million people.

Flattening the Curve: The increase in the number of people who have life-threatening disease can overwhelm our hospitals’ ability to care for them or others adequately—as we are already seeing in Italy. This is why the recommendations are for people to stay away from each other at this time. It is critical that you take this threat seriously and take every precaution you can to limit person-to-person contact. We must control the rate at which the virus moves through our population so that the maximum number of severe cases has access to a finite number of doctors, hospital beds and medical

Time is the ally here.  Please stay safe by staying away from other people.

Gratitude for the Beauty All Around Us

In a time of fear about the potential of the coronavirus, it is important to remember gratitude.  I have spent the last few days feeling grateful for all the amazing spiritual conferences, exciting concerts, stimulating lectures, and wild parties I have attended over the years. I’m grateful for my extensive travel, for loving deeply, and for meeting people from around the world.

I’m blessed by all of you who have taken the time to listen to one of my podcasts or send me a note after reading my book. I’m deeply grateful to all the people with uplifting shows and podcasts who have taken the time to talk with me.

Just recently I talked with a local radio host, Dr. Paula Joyce , whose work is inspirational.  She is a best-selling author, coach, speaker, and top-ranked radio show host, but most of all she is compassionate and deeply in touch with spiritual realities.  Here are a few of her empowering tips.

This past week, many of us have slowed down, traveled less frequently, and spent more time with our loved ones.  The added blessing of staying local is connecting with super cool people in my area.  This week, I met Natalie Jones, author of Awaken the Higher Self: Bringing Darkness to Light at a new metaphysical shop in town called Soutopia. Natalie is a pioneer of consciousness and light, and her beautiful book will help and inspire many people.

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As a near-death experiencer, my perspective on dying is unusual by many people’s standards.  I don’t fear it.  I’m not welcoming it or it encouraging it to happen soon, but I know that I will be greeted with deep love and compassion when I die.  I know that you will be too, and it only takes being open to that love to experience more and more of it in your life right now.

This time in history offers us all the opportunity to focus more on our connections with others and less on our “things.”  That includes the things that we have hoarded and what we have let go.  Open your heart to the people around you, and you will be blessed greatly.  It is through community that we will best survive.  It is the love that we take with us, not the toilet paper or hand sanitizer.  Stay safe everyone, but be kind and don’t let selfishness be your motivation.  Let love be your motivation!


Connecting With Divinity

I’m excited to meet you in Tuscon and Phoenix March 13-15, 2020.

Connecting with Divinity – Tricia Barker
Friday, March 13, 2020, 7:00 pm MST/AZ

Tricia Barker experienced a profound near-death experience during her senior year of college. She will share her experience and focus on the spiritual transformation of the wounds and struggles we all face on our journeys. Near-death experiences often show us that we all long to express the truth and love of our soul.  How do we incorporate this knowing into our lives in practical ways?

Speaker Bio:

Tricia has partnered with Dr. Raymond Moody and Lisa Smartt to produce The Second Annual Online Near-Death Experience Summit. She speaks to audiences nationally and internationally about unconditional love, healing, and consciousness. In her memoir, Angels in the OR: What Dying Taught Me About Healing, Survival, and Transformation, Tricia tells the story of her near-death experience, teaching mission, and eventual triumph over trauma in her past.


Attend in-person or online… the in-person event is at St. Francis in the Foothills, 4625 E. River Rd, Tucson, AZ. The online broadcast link will be emailed with the receipt and a reminder email is sent a day before the event start time.

ISGO registrants can attend the in-person event or join the online broadcast in a listen-only webinar with Q&A text chat mode. However, even if you miss the live event, as an ISGO registrant you can watch the recording of the event at your leisure after it is loaded to the ISGO Video on Demand catalog.

If you are an ISGO Subscriber (that is you have an active IANDS membership at the Supporting or higher level), this webinar registration fee is only $10; for all others, it is $15 to RSVP.

If this is your first time on the ISGO site, you will have to establish a user name and password prior to registering for your first ISGO event. See details at

The Impossible Now Between the Past and the Future

Here is a new interview with a near-death experiencer. Jim Bruton’s story is fascinating, but what I enjoyed most about this interview is the wisdom from his near-death experience that is applicable to us all. Jim Bruton ended up in “The Impossible Now between the past and the future.” He found himself standing in the eternity of a single moment.

Most NDErs review their pasts, but Jim was able to consider what future choices might cause him the most pain and eliminate some of those possibilities. Awareness of how we are all connected might be the key to eliminating certain painful experiences from our own futures.

You can also listen to the episode on my Podcast if you prefer that to YouTube.  Subscribe to my podcast and YouTube Channel to listen to more interviews like this one.

Thanks so much for your support of my memoir Angels in the OR: What Dying Taught Me about Healing, Survival, and Transformation which is also available as an Audible.

I also appreciate the interest and support of my book of short poetry inspired by the InstaPoets. It covers the journey of loving the self, others, and God.




Focus On What You Want To Create

If you are like me, you might occasionally get depressed by what you see in the news or in this world.  It is vital to focus on creating the community and world that you want to see.  When I see people fighting, lying, and spreading propaganda, I work to create peaceful, supportive communities.  I give love, and I tell the truth in response to lies.

In fact, one of the main reasons I wrote Angels in the OR: What Dying Taught Me about Healing, Survival, and Transformation is because I desired to spread more healing to those who have suffered any type of trauma to and show others that a deeper spiritual connection is always possible, no matter how treacherous the journey.

Focus is important for a variety of reasons. When you focus on your innovative possibilities, your excitement for life expands. When you focus on pain from the past, your energy stays in the past.

Although healing and processing is important, creation is where excitement can be found. You didn’t come here for dissatisfying experiencers and pain. You came here to create the life you want. 

My video is a quick one—under a minute but meant to inspire! And, just in case you like my shiny earrings, you can get them here.

Thanks for your support of my memoir and new book of short, spiritually inspired poetry.  Here is a link to my Amazon Author Page.  It means a lot to hear from readers.

Meditation, More Love in Your Life, and Poetry

My aim is always to bring you videos to inspire a greater connection to divinity, healing, and unconditional love.  Check out my latest short video on how you can experience more love in your life.

One of my recent interviews is with Kelvin Chin who has over 40 years experience teaching meditation classes. Kelvin is an Ivy League graduate, a teacher of other meditation teachers, and participated in first medical studies about the benefits of meditation. Kelvin also taught the first meditation classes at West Point Military Academy, and in the U.S. Army on the DMZ (De-Militarized Zone) in Korea, and at Raytheon, AIA International, 1-800-DENTIST, Dartmouth College and Yale University.

If you prefer podcasts to YouTube videos, I have most of my interviews and talks uploaded to a podcast now.  You can find the podcasts on Apple, Spotify, and Anchor.

I also appreciate your support of my book of short poems inspired by the Insta-poets called “The Self, The Other, and God.”   Please stay tuned for future interviews!  May you be blessed!

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