Lessons from My NDE

Hello Beautiful Light-Filled Souls!

I appreciate your support and interest in near-death experiences. This is my latest YouTube video. As an experiencer, I know how fragile life can be, and I also know the freedom, bliss, and understanding from my transition into the light. Dying for a few minutes turned out to be the greatest gift of my life. Many years after my experience, I continue to look out at the world and hope to see more people creating lives which are full of light and joy.

We can always reach for greater healing, hope, and connection. We can always make a difference in someone else’s life, and we can always help people by visualizing the best and highest outcomes for their lives.

I would love to have you join my spiritual community which meets on two Wednesdays each month at 7 p.m. Central. Here is a link to join.

We have fun in this group. I give theta healings, downloads, short readings, and more. Often, we simply discuss how to live more joyously and center light for healing and transformation.

May you feel more gratitude in your daily lives!

Many blessings

Tricia Barker

Angels in the OR: What Dying Taught Me About Healing, Survival, and Transformation–The Pre-Order Link is Available

Hello Everyone!

I’m so excited to let you know that my publisher has the pre-order link available for my memoir.  I greatly appreciate your support on this journey, and I am so grateful for all the connections that I have made these past couple of years.  The journey is always more important than the destination, and you are a big part of my journey.  Without you, I would not have had the energy to do this work and complete this book. Thank you for all your comments, questions, emails, and advice.

If you pre-order the book, please save a screenshot.  I will be offering discounts on readings, and many promotional opportunities for anyone who pre-orders Angels in the OR.

I have many goals with this book. I want to make near-death experiences more mainstream.  Also, I want to honor other public school teachers and professors through this book.  I also hope to bring healing to those who have experienced any type of trauma.  It is my belief that healing is always possible, and the intelligence and love from the other side makes this healing all the more probable.  Many blessings to each of you!

If you prefer to order through Barnes & Noble, here is that link. If you would like to order through Amazon, here is the link.  The Kindle and Nook versions are also available for pre-order.  Audible has also provided a link.

This summer, I am going to visit to as many cities as possible, so I might see you on my book tour.  I will list those cities and dates soon!  I can’t wait to meet you!

More About the Angels From My NDE

The Angels

I will never stop being astonished by the size and intelligence of the angels that I met during my near-death experience.  These two angels were wise, caring, and full of insight. Most of all, they had the ability to heal both emotional and physical issues.  I would love to meet a sketch artist who might be able to bring these beautiful light beings into focus.

Connecting with Your Angels:  If you are interested in connecting with your angels to assist you with a certain situation or to help you be of greater service to others, you might simply say a prayer that the angels might be with you and guide you.  Call on specific angels by name or even unknown beneficial angels.  I like this list which starts with prayer and meditation as a way to connect with angels, but it also includes writing or spending time in nature.  The angels brought me peace during my near-death experience and afterwards in several situations.

Peace:  Angels are not only messengers and healers, but they are also there to comfort us and anchor peace in our world.  There are many remarkable accounts of experiences with angels.  This woman from the IANDS (International Association for Near-Death Studies) website received messages from her angels when her doctors could not figure out the cause of life-threatening infection.  For four days she spent time with the angels and describes them in detail.

“I saw an outline of form filled with golden white Light that radiated past the faint lines. As if I was a star shining brightly in the Heavens. The Light was fluid, iridescent and connected with ease to the Angels near or beside me. I connected with the stars and the vastness of the Universe. I was a part of everything in existence all at the same time.”

When she asked the angels about our purpose here on earth, she received a few amazing messages.

“Our purpose here is to discover unconditional love within ourselves and then offer it to others. We are all on the path. What differs between us is the road we take, the experience we choose, and how much we have learned about love. No one road is better or more important than another. It is all a matter of what speaks to your heart and feels like home within.”

To read more about her story, you can click here.

Consider calling on angels for anything type of healing in your life.  May you be blessed!

My memoir, Angels in the OR: What Dying Taught Me About Healing, Survival, and Transformation, can be ordered here.